Saturday, March 21, 2009

Freaked Accident

SG PETANI: 3 men were seriously injured when the van they were travelling was overturned after been hit by a car at the square junction. All the victims suffered multiple head trauma after been thrown out from the van during the accident. The accident was believed to be occured at 9:00PM. Sources said all the victims were not local as all their identification and belongings went missing during accidents and was believed been stolen by bystanders. The victims were intoxicated with alcohol as there were strong stench of alcohol smell at the all victims. Meanwhile, the hospital ambulance needed to make 2 times trip with a help of General Defence Force ambulance to bring the victims to the hospital for treatment. The fate of the 3 victims are unlikely to be certained.

1 comment:

♫ En El Palacio De La Risa Y El Dolor ♪ ☆ said...

esta bienq se quiera tomar conciencia, pero esto es salvaje como morboso.. sanguinario.. no me agrada parece cronica tv mostrando mierda ajena y sufirmiento :(