Saturday, June 9, 2007

Laziest Day

Today is the most laziest day in my life. I don't know why I am so lazy today. But definately very lazy. Woke up with some minor headache and tiredness. I've been in this mood for few days. Is this because of my work pressure ? or perhaps lack of sleeps? Well I am scare will this be the sign of I am getting older and the needs to go frequent medical check-up for my health? Those questions are running wild in my mind now. I got no energy to play badminton last night as I used to before. Why? what had happened to me? I think I need to lessen my carbohydrate intake as I felt that I am getting fatter these days. The temptation of the tasty and delicious foods really make me dilemma. I need to be strong. I need to be very strong to stop all this. To lead a better future life for my wife and children now and tomorrow..........

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